Meet The Seer Society
The team.
We are a group of psychics and light workers that want to leave the world a better place than we found it. We strive to help people push past their limitations and use their power to create better lives for themselves and those around them.
Technical PsychicOld Hippie. Rocker. Band Guy. Psychic Extraordinaire. Ken has been having very clear psychic experiences since he was a child. He saw real magic happen before his eyes when he was 26 and it changed the course of his life. He became a technically trained psychic hand-picked by one of the best psychics of our time and he’s been doing readings ever since. He has been tapped for his insight from people in finance, big tech, real estate, sports, and even law enforcement. Ken absolutely loves giving psychic readings and could do it all day long. Ask him about his Near Death Experience… It’s a great story. Although, when it comes to Ken, there’s never a shortage of great stories.
Cancer sun, Aries moon, Libra Ascendant
Intuitive Astrologer & HealerGreen thumb. Animal lover. Your biggest cheerleader. Intuitive Astrologer and Healer. She didn’t receive her first psychic reading until her kids were almost grown. Yola was quickly told by a number of psychics that she was a powerful healer and needed to be developing and using her gifts (which she did). Soon after it became apparent that astrology was part of her purpose as well. Yola’s intuitive gifts come through in both her healing and astrology, often telling her what areas of your life you need to heal in order to achieve your goals. She can also *occasionally* be found enthusiastically dancing at a Queen tribute concert with a margarita in hand.
Leo sun, Saggitarius moon, Cancer rising
Heart-led Psychic
Avid Artist. Empath. Scotch-Irish Firecracker. Heart-led Psychic. Maureen had a Near Death Experience at 7 years old*. Afterward, she started having prophetic dreams and flashes of knowing. In fact, that year she heard the first clear voice of warning in her head telling her not to enter a home where they were mourning the dead. In her 20s she was warned of an earthquake days before it occurred. She continued to have these experiences throughout her life until she decided it was time to share them with the world and she started working with powerful teachers to develop her psychic gifts. She has been officially giving readings for 15 years, unofficially for most of her life. She’s an excellent friend to have in your corner in a fight or if you just want someone to go dancing with.
Scorpio sun, Aquarius moon, Pisces rising
Podcast Producer, Content Creator, Marketing, Operations. Katie is our jill-of-all-trades. Her purpose is to help as many people as possible live as big as they can dream. The sky’s the limit if you just believe. Please, contact us if you need any assistance and Katie will get back to you ASAP.